Offices & Call Centres
Case study - showing 42% reduction in absenteeism in the NHS ambulance call centre
The independent report showed that once the AIRsteril technology was installed in addition to the overall 42% reduction in absenteeism there were clear reductions in various chest & respiratory illnesses as well as cases of cold, cough, flu and influenza which are clearly the more likely to be spread within an office environment.
Furthermore, during the 6 month trial period the reduction in the number of sick days was 1502. Resulting in a net cost benefit to the South Central Ambulance Service of £208,650.56
It is widely recognized that Australians spend the majority of their time indoors, yet there has been a lack of research on the quality of air within various indoor environments such as homes, schools, hospitals, recreational buildings, restaurants, public buildings, and office spaces.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is critical to the health and comfort of building occupants. Pollutants released by indoor sources, including gases and particles, are the primary cause of indoor air quality problems. With modern buildings becoming more airtight and efficient, the potential for poor indoor air quality has increased. Biological contaminants such as airborne bacteria, germs, viruses, and other pathogens are major contributors to poor IAQ.
Improved indoor air quality, including the quality, quantity, and movement of indoor air, can mitigate the airborne spread of many human pathogens. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and mould are additional contributors to indoor air quality problems, with common sources of VOCs in the workplace including building materials, office equipment, furniture, wall and floor coverings, upholstery, and virtually every commercially manufactured item in the workplace.
Poor indoor air quality has significant adverse impacts on health, the environment, and the economy. The cost of poor IAQ in Australia alone may be as high as $12 billion per year, according to the CSIRO. Moreover, comparative risk studies have consistently ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health.
COVID-19 has further increased the focus on IAQ, with healthier buildings resulting in:
• Attracting tenants,
• Positively impacting building owners and tenants’ brand,
• Attracting and retaining top talent/employees,
• Reducing sick leave and fatigue,
• Increasing alertness, mental performance, and productivity.
Fortress Air Solutions provides a range of products that represent the next generation of technologies for addressing indoor air quality concerns. These innovative technologies produce ions and free hydroxyl radicals that continuously treat the total volume of air and all soft and hard surfaces in an indoor environment, eliminating and preventing airborne risks and cross-infection from bacteria, mould, odours, pathogens (bacteria and viruses), and VOCs.
Fortress Air is a distributor of advanced air and surface treatment systems that safely and efficiently restore the balance of recirculated air by maintaining air quality and eliminating contaminated and poor-quality air in various indoor spaces, including residential, commercial, industrial, retail, office, school, and indoor public spaces.
The market has embraced this type of technology globally, and Fortress Air has received positive responses and significant interest from numerous clients in Australia and overseas, ranging from government, hospitality, property developers, shopping centres, major REITs, and property funds.
The following schematic illustrates the sources and spread of pathogens and VOCs in the workplace:


The AS Range has been specifically designed for small spaces such as bedrooms with continuous occupation, it is ideal for residents who suffer heavy incontinence. It does not have a fan making its silent thermal convection operation a favourite with residents and staff who may be disturbed by noisy machines in their rooms. It uses a standard wall socket and once installed, an AS unit runs continuously requiring just one annual lamp change.
The MF Range is designed to control odours in medium to large sized enclosed spaces. It is ideal for reception areas, corridors, dining rooms and resident’s lounges. The units are installed to suit the size of space (20 sq m to 100 sq m) and the level of contamination, they are fan driven and operate 24/7. Once installed they can be easily tweaked to achieve the optimum level of performance and an MF unit requires minimal maintenance and one annual lamp change for years of operation.
The WT Range uses the latest thermal convection technology to control high levels of odours in smaller enclosed spaces such as sluice rooms, washrooms and any rooms where there is non-continuous occupation. The units are hard-wired to an existing power source such as a lighting circuit spur to operate 24/7.
Our groundbreaking AIRsteril technology is guaranteed to help you:
– Improve cleanliness by removing all odours.
– Improve infection control for residents, patients, staff and visitors.
– Improve air quality especially for residents with respiratory problems.
– Cut the need for cleaning chemicals and perfumes.
– Extend the life of soft furnishings.
– Cut staff turnover and absenteeism.
– Improve first impressions for new clients and families.
– Comply with regulations.

PWC have offices throughout the UK which use AIRsteril products, AIRsteril washroom units were originally selected for the washrooms of a London office in 2010 and are still in use today with new products rolled out to multiple other sites in recent years ensuring clean, fresh and healthy toilet facilities throughout.

“The UK banking centre at Canary Wharf is populated with modern skyscrapers featuring the latest in office building technology. The Credit Suisse UK HeadQuarters allows staff to make the most of windows which has meant that the main building services are sited in the middle of the building. As such with long air ducting, their luxury washrooms struggle to maintain air quality and a clean, fresh smelling work place.
They have installed AIRsteril for odour and infection control in their washrooms. Convinced that the bacteria and viruses that cause infections are killed by AIRsteril, the new offices will feature MF units to ensure staff absenteeism is kept to a minimum.”