Projects, Testimonials
and Case Studies

Brussels EXPO, AIRsteril products were supplied throughout this busy exhibition centre enabling the centre to offer the best possible protection to visitors meaning it was used to host exams as well as a vaccination centre, further information can be found here.”

COP26 – UN Climate change conference was probably the largest event held in the UK over the pandemic period, thanks to AIRsteril technology in combination with all sensible measures there was no feared spike in virus cases as a result, further information can be found here.”

PWC have offices throughout the UK which use AIRsteril products, AIRsteril washroom units were originally selected for the washrooms of a London office in 2010 and are still in use today with new products rolled out to multiple other sites in recent years ensuring clean, fresh and healthy toilet facilities throughout.

Since 2014, the RCN has utilised AIRsteril in our HQ office and our Bolton Office. Every year, we, at RCN, buy the replacement lamps and any other additional units if required. We do have another AIRsteril Unit in our rubbish storage room and this works well for us. I am very happy with the Airsteril Units in our toilets and we get great service and reminders every year for the replacement of the lamps. These Units have been working very well for us and I would highly recommend them.
Testimonial by “Al Lalji”, the RCN’s “Building Services Engineer”

The UK banking centre at Canary Wharf is populated with modern skyscrapers featuring the latest in office building technology. The Credit Suisse UK HeadQuarters allows staff to make the most of windows which has meant that the main building services are sited in the middle of the building. As such with long air ducting, their luxury washrooms struggle to maintain air quality and a clean, fresh smelling work place.
They have installed AIRsteril for odour and infection control in their washrooms. Convinced that the bacteria and viruses that cause infections are killed by AIRsteril, the new offices will feature MF units to ensure staff absenteeism is kept to a minimum.”

“AIRsteril products have been installed in many offices and call centre environments, but follow up data on absenteeism is not usually available. With South Central Ambulance Service NHS Call Centre AIRsteril products were installed throughout their EOC/111 (Emergency Operation Centre and NHS Direct call handling offices), with a noted 42% reduction in absenteeism after installation. Full independent report by NHS Infection Control Lead, Phil Convery available upon request.”

“Endoscopy Disinfection units at Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust faced an air quality issue due to the use of Peracetic acid in the cleaning process. After only a few hours with the devices in use the air quality in the Endoscopy Disinfection Units improved significantly, operators expressed satisfaction at experiencing a feeling of clean fresh air, no eye or breathing irritation, no headaches, altogether a nicer place to work.”

“In order to safeguard our most vulnerable pupils, we decided to install Airsteril units in our nursery hygiene room, and our classroom and hygiene room used by our pupils with the most severe and complex needs. The Airsteril units have not only provided us with protection from bacteria and viruses; they’ve also given us peace of mind.”

“We decided to install Airsteril in our production and chill areas. We have been very impressed with the results. Since installation, our bacteria TVC test results are at an all-time low and because of this, we have recently obtained official EU approval to supply beef patties intended to be less than thoroughly cooked”.
Technical Manager, Jack Grin

“We are very pleased with the effectiveness of the odour elimination properties of our Airsteril units for the girls’ sports changing rooms. They do exactly what they say on the tin”

Since 2014, the RCN has utilised AIRsteril in our HQ office and our Bolton Office. Every year, we, at RCN, buy the replacement lamps and any other additional units if required. We do have another AIRsteril Unit in our rubbish storage room and this works well for us. I am very happy with the Airsteril Units in our toilets and we get great service and reminders every year for the replacement of the lamps. These Units have been working very well for us and I would highly recommend them.
Testimonial by “Al Lalji”, the RCN’s “Building Services Engineer”

“I highly recommend using the device in all places with a higher flow of people. it is safe, quiet and seems to work very efficiently.”
Prof. dr hab. Marzena Dominiak
(President of the Polish Dental Society)

The Cancer Hospital of Thessaloniki THEAGENIO, is one of the four anti-cancer hospitals in Greece units were installed in multiple areas as part of measures to target hospital acquired infections, in addition to the reduced transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2, the improvement in air quality, elimination of unpleasant odours and medical staff feeling safe and aware with products in place were all noted, further information can be found here.”

I am very pleased with the results from all of the units supplied by AirSteril, I have always wanted the best possible environment for my residents and staff and these units have helped me to achieve this.”
J Yoganathan,

“We have had the Air Steril installation in place for some months now and it is working well. As well as helping with our infection control the system is taking the odours away. It is much better than we expected and has helped us save time and effort using the normal disinfecting and de-odorizing methods.”
Mr Hughes,
Care Home Manager

Demonstrated control of airborne microorganisms in two independent Butchers shop cold stores as selected by the local Butchery association, Further information can be found here.

A study of the Health Protection Agency data prompted trials of the AirSteril Air Purification units at our Cumberland Infirmary Facility. These units have proven to reduce environmental and contact surface microbial contamination significantly. The Trust Consultant Clinical Microbiologist and concerned Clinical Director have since facilitated the installation of over 30 AirSteril Multi Flex 20 Units at our West Cumberland Hospital.

On a Test Match day at Lord’s there are 25,000 people, mostly males, spending all day watching cricket and drinking. With several visits per person during the day the gents toilets can have up to a 10,000 footfall a day. The staff have had difficulty in clearing the resulting odours. The stainless steel trough urinals in some of the washrooms create added problems.
Just in time for a major Test Match, AIRsteril WRX trial units were installed in two of the major washrooms. After just a few hours, the units had managed to get on top of the smell, then controlled the odours throughout the 5 day match. The facilities staff are very pleased and plan to increase the number of installations before the start of the next cricket season.”