It is generally recognised that Australians spend 90% or more of their time indoors. Indoor Air Quality refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce the risk of indoor health concerns.
Indoor pollution sources that release gases or particles into the air are the primary cause of indoor air quality problems Shopping centres and retail outlets of today are meeting and entertainment spaces for the community and everyday workplaces for retail staff. All of these occupants should be assured of the health, safety and comfort of the built environment they are in. Centre owners manage the associated risks through regular appraisal of indoor conditions and mechanical plant
A major contributor to poor indoor air quality is biological contaminant including airborne bacteria, germs, viruses and other pathogens. Humans are the main contributors of microbe laden particles indoors Indoor air is arguably the fastest and most highly efficient means of pathogen spread in a given setting.
Although the route by which airborne pathogens cause infections varies between microorganisms, improvements in the quality, quantity, and movement of indoor air can mitigate the airborne spread of many human pathogens by preventing pathogen inhalation and reducing the microbial load on environmental surfaces.
Contaminated central air handling systems can become breeding grounds for mould, mildew and other sources of biological contaminants and can then distribute these contaminants throughout a retail centre and many of these biological contaminants are small enough to be inhaled. Damp or wet areas such as cooling coils, condensate pans or unvented bathrooms can be a breeding ground for these biological contaminants.
The advent of COVID 19 has sparked a far greater awareness and approach to indoor air quality in indoor public spaces including shopping centres and retail outlets. Businesses are being urged to introduce sophisticated new air purifiers into offices, industrial centres and retail spaces to help prevent the transmission of the COVID 19 virus between workers, and customers.
Mitigating the spread of viruses circulating in the air is critical, particularly with the current and recent COVID 19 outbreaks in Sydney, Melbourne, the ACT and Brisbane, former UTS Dean of Science Bruce Milthorpe told a seminar of business leaders “We are facing the worst indoor air quality crisis in history,” he said ..“It has never been clearer that businesses need to take action to protect their customers, employees, and bottom line against the well documented risks of poor indoor air quality. An infected asymptomatic person in, say, a shop for 30 minutes would shed thousands of viral particles with each breath, putting more than 300 000 particles into the air, which could hang around for an hour or more, Professor Milthorpe said.
This would likely result in someone or several people for the hour afterwards catching COVID 19 ..“While we probably cannot completely eliminate the risk of catching COVID 19 but we can minimise it.”
A survey by Rentokil Initial found that Australians identified the locations which carried the greatest risks of catching COVID 19 as being shopping centres and hospitality venues 68 per cent), hotels and aged care facilities 67 per cent), medical practices 64 per cent) and workplaces 55 per cent).
Fortress Air Solutions provides a range of products that represent the next generation of technologies for addressing indoor air quality concerns. These innovative technologies produce ions and free hydroxyl radicals that continuously treat the total volume of air and all soft and hard surfaces in an indoor environment, eliminating and preventing airborne risks and cross-infection from bacteria, mould, odours, pathogens (bacteria and viruses), and VOCs.
Fortress Air Solutions a step change representing the next generation of technologies for implementing best practice when addressing indoor air quality in today’s social and political environment.
Fortress Air is a distributor of Australian and international designed, tested and patented advanced air and surface treatment systems that safely and efficiently restore the balance of recirculated air by maintaining air quality as well as eliminating contaminated and poor-quality air in residential, commercial, industrial, retail, office, school and indoor public spaces.
These innovative technologies produces Ions and Free Hydroxyl Radicals which are naturally occurring molecules to continuously sanitise the total volume of air, while simultaneously sanitising all soft and hard surfaces, 24/7 in an indoor environment by eliminating and preventing airborne risks and cross infection in indoor spaces including:
• Bacteria which includes staph and strep;
• Mould and mould spoors;
• Odours and other toxic fumes;
• Pathogens;
• Viruses, eg:
• Common cold;
• DNA viruses which include chicken pox;
• Influenza;
• RNA viruses which include COVID-19 and measles;
• Stomach flu; and
• Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s).

The AS Range has been specifically designed for small spaces such as bedrooms with continuous occupation, it is ideal for residents who suffer heavy incontinence. It does not have a fan making its silent thermal convection operation a favourite with residents and staff who may be disturbed by noisy machines in their rooms. It uses a standard wall socket and once installed, an AS unit runs continuously requiring just one annual lamp change.
The MF Range is designed to control odours in medium to large sized enclosed spaces. It is ideal for reception areas, corridors, dining rooms and resident’s lounges. The units are installed to suit the size of space (20 sq m to 100 sq m) and the level of contamination, they are fan driven and operate 24/7. Once installed they can be easily tweaked to achieve the optimum level of performance and an MF unit requires minimal maintenance and one annual lamp change for years of operation.
The WT Range uses the latest thermal convection technology to control high levels of odours in smaller enclosed spaces, washrooms and any rooms where there is non-continuous occupation. The units are hard-wired to an existing power source such as a lighting circuit spur to operate 24/7.
Our groundbreaking AIRsteril technology is guaranteed to help you:
– Improve cleanliness by removing all odours.
– Improve infection control for residents, patients, staff and visitors.
– Improve air quality especially for residents with respiratory problems.
– Cut the need for cleaning chemicals and perfumes.
– Extend the life of soft furnishings.
– Cut staff turnover and absenteeism.
– Improve first impressions for new clients and families.
– Comply with regulations.

Brussels EXPO, AIRsteril products were supplied throughout this busy exhibition centre enabling the centre to offer the best possible protection to visitors meaning it was used to host exams as well as a vaccination centre, further information can be found here.”

“The UK banking centre at Canary Wharf is populated with modern skyscrapers featuring the latest in office building technology. The Credit Suisse UK HeadQuarters allows staff to make the most of windows which has meant that the main building services are sited in the middle of the building. As such with long air ducting, their luxury washrooms struggle to maintain air quality and a clean, fresh smelling work place.
They have installed AIRsteril for odour and infection control in their washrooms. Convinced that the bacteria and viruses that cause infections are killed by AIRsteril, the new offices will feature MF units to ensure staff absenteeism is kept to a minimum.”